Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848
Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848
Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848

MP2 磁力脈衝RF收緊療程

  • 排水排毒
  • 改善包包面(水腫面)
  • 豐盈緊緻

MP2 磁力脈衝RF收緊療程



以非侵入性﹑無痛的MP² 嶄新科技及3D多極射頻和磁力脈衝治療技術,透過旋轉式能量能快速及均勻地滲透到皮膚面層加熱,改善面部皮膚緊密度和彈性,從而減少皺紋。

Online Appointment
Compulsory *
MP2 磁力脈衝RF收緊療程
Name *
Age *
Gender *
E-mail *
Mobile *
Branch *
Callback Time *
Channel *
I have read and agree to the privacy policy and related terms and conditions.*
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