Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848
Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848
Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848

Radio-Frequency (RF) Eye Rejuvenation Treatment

  • Effects



  • Remove fine lines and lifting saggy skin
  • Stimulate growth of collagen and activate new skin cells
  • Remove dark circles

Radio-Frequency (RF) Eye Rejuvenation Treatment



It is a constant gradual energy which delivers into the deeper layers of the target skin. Stimulates a growth of new collagen to replace the duller, older-looking skin.


Watch droopy skin get lifted and puffy eyes get more contoured.


The end result is firmer, radiant-looking skin around your eyes and highly effective solution for sparkly eyes.

Online Appointment
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Radio-Frequency (RF) Eye Rejuvenation Treatment
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